Where is the life we have lost in living?

Monday, May 31, 2010

No Way


 Most people don't realize that a twenty foot long Great White Shark is also both eight feet wide and six feet tall. That's incredible. I just finished reading "Devil's Teeth", a fantastic book about the Great White Shark population that congregates off the coast of San Francisco at a crag of rocks called the Farallon Islands, otherwise known as the Devil's Teeth by sailors back in the day. The book reads easy and I plowed through it this morning, propped up on the couch, listening to the Spacemen 3 and the Supremes.  It's a easy going Memorial Day here at the newly christened Manor up here in Bowling Green and the possibilities are endless. Do need to string some lights outside and put up the basketball goal. There's always something needing to be decorated round here too, hung up, arranged, straighted, squared away just like so. That's just what the likes of these days are good for. Turning and learning. 

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