What do I love about Moscow?
+ Fruit Juice
Russia does fruit so well. Fruit is found everywhere, from random trees to fruit pancakes to in your face courtesy of gypsy fruit vendors. But it's the fruit juice that tops it all. The neighborhood store has an entire aisle dedicated exclusively to fruit juice of many shapes and sizes. But what you say? So does Harris Teeter! Nahh right friends, there are only four aisles in this store. With such a medley, you can't go wrong. Get Juice.
+ Sushi and books before dawn
Moscow is more 24 Hours than New York City, with around the clock bookstores and sushi joints proving it so. Sushi just before dawn? I shouldn't exist but it does. Respublica gives you something to read while you eat as you watch the drunk gymnastics of the nightlife leftovers stumbling home after that CRAZY tuesday night.
+ Pirated Movies
Who needs Blockbuster when copyright infringement is so easy? As soon as a movie is in theaters here, BAM it's on the street for 100 rubles ($4) with a comlementary google image on the front of plastic oddment. Sound, language, and even content can't really be guarenteed but tis a bargin.
+ Settling matters "Po Chelovechesky"
Bribery and corruption are social variables that are absolutely uncalled for in life if Russia is ever to call itself a truly civilized country. But the fact is, in a society where not playing by the rules is a rule, it makes some sense to go with the flow. Since mankind is inherently flawed, duplicity like this goes down everywhere in the world, but not nearly as obviously blatant as Russia. This is as defining to Russia as Vodka is, which should be a breath of fresh air for those concerned with the global political scheme of things, because of philosophical concept of causality known as Karma. There's a flip side to everything Russia.
+ The Metro
In a country where few things run on time, the speed and efficiency of Moscow's Metro is truly a wonder. How many countries have metro stations that
double as museums? In fact, the Moscow metro holds the distinction of having the largest ridership in the world. 8 million people a day get to and from work relatively without a hassle, not counting aggressive drunks, power welding policemen, and the occasionaly mob of skinheads. All for only 19 rubles!
+ Absolutely Bizarre Fashion
Of course every city has it's oddities, but no city displays
Dada fashionistas better than Moscow. Are you wearing anything under that giant mink coat, sir? A Speedo? Really? In the subway? Right on! Moscow's Alice in Wonderland sense of fashion gives people a grand feeling of impunity, an interactive catwalk besides the mirror at home. Leopard print waist long leather jacket? Definitely authentic in a post-meaningful kinda way.
+ Gypsy Taxis
Try this in Nashville sometime. Stand at the side of the darkest, most out of the way street in Belle Meade at 3am with your hand in the air like your trying to hail a cab or something. You'll be standing there for weeks, unless a friendly Bufford T. Justice rolls your way first. Try it in Moscow and within minutes a
1985 Soviet style Lada will roll up with the window down and three gold teeth and a cigarette will ask "Vam Kuda?" Just go with it, because "Vam Kuda" is a invitation to be ignored elsewhere in the world. Love cheap gypsy taxis.
+ Beer in Movie Theaters
When Jules wows Vincent in Pulp Fiction by telling him that the French can drink in movie theaters, you looked at your kabillion dollar Diet Coke with jealousy and disappointment. There's nothing like a cold beer to help you deal with the fact that the people in the theater that aren't talking to there friends are talking on their cell phones.
More to come.
Sun music for the last of Summer