Egypt is, above all else, old. The oldest things I'll ever see in my life are here, next to all the sand and smoke. Of course all the monuments and such were just an masked excuse to see my father, who wished he was flying here domestic like me.
My first evening was something else, looking back on it. I arrived pretty late from Uganda, two days before the start of the tour. I came off the plane dirty and eager, and was taken to a hotel a few lights away on the bank of the Nile, the nicest hotel I've ever stayed at. I caused a stir, waltzing into the lobby all wide eyed, dirty, cigarette dangling, shirt buttoned all the way up, and a synthesizer of all things under my arm. The evening's festivities were well underway and I wasn't at all fitting the black tie notice, much less the Egyptian nationality one. Looks of awe were all over both partys' faces, and I couldn't care less. I went Ape in the room, turning everything on and off, and tried on all the robes robe before going to bed.
The week flew by just as time flies. One cannot help but to be overwhelmed by the size, age, and perfection of the pyramids. Whenever I go to art museums and galleries, half the fun is figuring out how in the world would I steal the paintings before me. This doesn't translate well into the ancient world of chariots, pyramids, and stone tombs, but I was all over the conspiracies the pyramids naturally conjure up. Pretty ridiculous.
Going from austerity to struggling requires thought. Suck It Up, You Can Do This. You brace yourself. But if you going from not much to everything at once, there is no thought. You lose yourself immediately. I think I gained 20 pounds.
I was just happy to see my father. We sat and talked and talked forever, breakfast to long into the evenings, and it never seemed like enough. Everything under the sun was paid due attention, with college, basketball, what's next, and home as the highlights. I'm leaving the week with one big Life is Good reminder, in case I didn't know.
Crop Circle Jerk '94Neil Young-
Everybody Knows This Is NowhereKid Cudi-
Day 'N Night (Crookers Remix)