Wake up every morning thinking the day has the potential to be the best day of your life.
Follow your heart and go for it. You’ll only regret what you didn’t do, adventures you didn’t take, lips you didn’t kiss.
Fake it ’til you make it. No one will know the difference.
Try not to be such an asshole.
Always act like a gentleman because your reputation is easy to lose and difficult to regain.
Step up to the plate and swing for the fences.
Find your passion and devote your life to it. You may not be rich, but you’ll always be happy.
She likes you; ask her out.
Criticism comes mostly from people who are jealous of your accomplishments.
Don’t live for the day without thinking about tomorrow.
Take a year off.
Don’t waste your youth growing up. Don’t pen your plans with a Sharpie. Get some dirt under your fingernails.
Don’t waste you money on trends, the classics never go out of style.
Listen to those who are older and wiser. They have already been down the path you are just starting.
Never settle.
Relax and do what you do. Everyone is too busy focusing on their own flaws to notice yours.
You won’t be in love for real until you’re at least 30 years old. Date as many women as you can without being a jerk.
After high school, the dress code you think is a pain in the ass will make you better dressed than 95% of your contemporaries.
Wake up every morning and ask yourself, “What’s the best use of my time?”
Live with purpose. A laissez-faire mentality only goes so far.
Life is a series of bets, only friends act as a hedge. The riskier your life, the deeper the hedging should be.
If it will make a better story, do it.
Be generous, loyal, and proudly carry on the tradition of the great American male.
Firm handshake, eye contact, smile on your face.
When should a man eat the olive in a martini? Whenever the hell he wants. Apply this to all of life’s questions.
Stay calm, it all works out in the end. And pay attention in French class.
To be successful you cannot multi-task. You must concentrate on one thing at a time.
Don’t make plans. You’re bound to be disappointed when life decides to change things up.
Your grandparents know more than you think.
Things get a lot better. Eventually you get to live a fantastic life and no one makes you write a paper on it.
Take care of your problems so I won’t have to.
Listen to your parents because they were right when they lectured you about grades and work ethic.
You will always be your fiercest critic and most formidable rival. Make that be your advantage, not an obstacle.
Life is too short not to take chances. Worry about school loans after you graduate.
These are the best years of your life. Behave accordingly.
Learn to tell a story, cook an omelette, charm a lady, and dress with style.
Tell average-looking girls they’re pretty, and tell pretty girls they’re smart. For every statement you make to a girl, ask at least two questions.
People are as scared of as you are of them, so you can get away with a lot more than you think.
Your “permanent record” is about as everlasting as your hairline.
Get a haircut.
(shamelessly ripped from the fantastic Ivy Style)