Where is the life we have lost in living?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Be Still and Know

It's been a long time since Feel Good Lost has rock and rolled but never fear, its about to be Saturday night and the sun is settling on one of the most beautiful days of the year so far. Summer today felt more like a spring morning and it was glorious. After a few weeks of abouts and arounds, festivals and weekend jaunts, this third world neighborhood, the process of moving into the swank new digs, summer heat, a new job and the never ending list of doing, making, saying, thinking and all fashions of extracurricularing, right now stands as high time to pause and contemplate the meaning of it all. The pace of life up here in Bowling Green is slow like molasses, but the days are as busy as you deem it so. Specially with the heat and all, plus the the whole make your own fun feel to things here in Kentucky. The sun burns on and time crawls by, almost to say, "Yall, what's the big rush anyways?" Things aren't suppose to be taken more seriously than deemed necessary. The staring down of the future is so uncalled for, yet rampantly practiced in today's calculating world, especially with the twenty something crowd and their massive identity crisis. The truth is all about finding the right balance of doing what's called for and doing what you love. If that can be handled at the present moment to the point that it doesn't hinder future opportunities, what's the worry in the first place?  Days that are wide open in structure are absolutely appreciated but they are best if earned. If one wide open day rolls right into another, they slowly turn into a black hole that gobbles up time, never to be seen again. With that said, I'm running as far away from that as possible, no nothing doing anything. Plenty busy is a good thing but only to the point that it doesn't rob you of the chance to delve into all the many pursuits offered up by the present moment. Work towards something, of course but having too many goals is probably the worst thing to have in the whole world. Honest to goodness. The straight and narrow focused path is more resistant to capitalizing off the benefits offered by the unpredictable events that lie waiting in the future. Could anyone twenty years ago have predicted the rise of Islamic militancy? The internet and all its glory? Life is full of absolute surprises, good and bad. To embrace that fact and live in it's glory is a beautiful thing.  Some occasions of history and definitely parents, simple folk and pretty much everyone else who likes being comfortable and secure say nah to this way of thinking but I'm still a devout believer in confidence in the highly improbable. The bottom line, way below the norm and high above all the mess saying the do this and that's, is that take it easy. If you're doing the best you can and handling everything that comes your way to the best extent, the best you can is good enough. Take all that as you may, best with a dose of rationality. Okay for now.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Narcissism is the Fast Food of the Soul

Society has been discussing the negative effects of advertising for decades. 
But now, suddenly a real backlash is occurring with concrete changes emerging in countries around the world.

Sao Paulo enacted a near-complete ban on outdoor advertising in 2007 and Spain recently passed a new law restricting advertisements that promote the “cult of the body,” including slimming products, surgical procedures and beauty treatments. Restrictions on cigarette and alcohol advertising have marked significant victories in many countries, as have limits on advertising on children’s TV shows.
Now a report by the UK think tank Compass entitled “The Advertising Effect” is a bold call to further action.
Compass urges radical new policies to restrict and control advertising, an industry whose goal they say is, “the creation of a mood of restless dissatisfaction with what we have got and who we are so that we go out and buy more.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Kid Cudi just dropped a new track off at his website, first single off his next album. Man On The Moon II: Legend of Mr. Rager sounds promising. I think Cudi's temptation is to let great ambition overshadow small success along the way. Cudi sounds stoned as fuck and he doesn't rap so much as he just meanders. That guitar's the same one from Down & Out as well. I don't know how I feel about this song as a single, but it still rages with the same late night early morning feel like when it was created. Posted a 4:39 in the morning too, by the way. That's awesome.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Long Fall

Tropical storm Agatha has dunked some heavy rains on Central America while killing 115 people in three different countries and opening up this monster sinkhole in Guatemala City. 
Go head, climb on down there boy.