Where is the life we have lost in living?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Black Sea

So I just spent my first week in Russia sweating in the Black Sea and it was something else. Besides being the first English anything to ever set foot near the beach of the Black Sea, I also helped out at a summer camp for kids pretty much as old as me. Either way, it was definitely ruff for a week and it was probably the quietest week of my life to date, even though I'm not above talking to myself. After all, I do speak English? Not counting the 28 hour train ride back, the week had enough oddities for many stories to come.
+ I woke up at three in the morning to a chainsaw and the Russian conselours huddled around my bed wearing Paris Hilton and Jim Carrey masks. Don't worry, they took pictures.
+ All Techno all day every day non stop Techno. You name it, there is some God Awful Techno remix of it and I heard it. Never again.
+ On the first day, they tied the wrists of all the campers together and then threw water balloons at them. Dirty.
+ Outside of a few soccer fans, not a single kid played sports. They just breakdanced all the time.
+ Crab Flavoured Lay's Potato Chips
+ I Love Summer Camp

I'm just glad to be back in Moscow. Hopefully tomorrow, I will have pictures up of life so far. I'm homesick.

1 comment:

ambiguous said...

home is sick for you as well