The best exotic pet in the world is a giraffe, but the best, somewhat possible choice would be a Galapagos Turtle as moving lawn art.
Bohemian Rhapsody holds a case for the Best Song Ever.
When time travel finally shows up, watching the worlds largest wave ever from a hot air balloon is on my Must List.
The vocal sequence about two minutes into Kelly Clarkson's Since U Been Gone, when she sings and talks to herself, is one of the best moments in recent pop music history.
If I could do it again, I would want to lice in New York era 1977 or Chicago mid 1920's.
The essence of emo music didn't start with one revolutionary album or band, but rather the translation between Weezer's The Blue Album and Pinkerton.
The best moments in life can't be captured and that's true for a reason. Definition and completely wrapping your mind around something, be it art or whatnot, takes away from the mystique behind it all, which is why Bigfoot still stays in the news and Jazz is loved so much.
Lou Reed was a pirate in his past life.
Major label hip hop is doomed in 2009 thanks to every artist losing the album focus and chasing that next hit single. Folks need to quit chasing the scene and make something their own, but the error is mostly the labels fault for not letting artists be themselves. Kanye WEst is due credit, but shoul focus more on producing. Lil Wayne should put out a greatest hits album every year.
Bohemian Rhapsody truly is the best song...ever.
miss you buddy. lost time will be made up for as soon as you return
and this is my personal favorite of all your posts by the way
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