In truth, I've been under mounds of guilt because of seemingly ignoring this writing and whatnot. It was unavoidable for a spell and I can't compensate for that, but oh well. I love Beirut, let me tell you about it.
I have now, in grace, upgraded from donkey taxis to red blooded, real life automobiles, steered not by a whip and with an engine stronger than 1 Horse Power. Every morning brings the same twenty minute ride across town and out a ways to the refugee camp, where I teach two english classes a day. However, what goes around comes around. On my way to teach in the mornings, I have class of my own, brought to me by the middle aged taxi drivers that get me there. Taxi drivers here are like the deacons of the city, and they carry themselves (and drive) in a happily aggresive manner. Similar to the Russian babushkas, the old grandmothers who bowled over you like down jacketed cannonballs for a seat in the subway. If it was the slightest bit on the cold side outside, these old women would have a fit and make a spectacle, publically scolding you for not wearing a hat. Tough love. The taxi drivers here teach you Arabic in the same way, leaning all the way over on your side of the car so that their in mouth cigarette is scorching your ear with every jaw drop as they yell all kinds of introductions, greetings, Hello! I love you! I am tall! I am lost! trying their best to hammer home as many phrases as they can into you for twenty minutes. That's the mornings. The lunchtime talks on the ride back home aren't really mellow, they just aren't directed at you directly. Like, they aren't arresting your ears. Its more mutual. They carry on about politics and ask more questions about family, age, where should they be taking me. All in the same way as before. Tough love in a Middle Eastern manner.
Anchorman? 40 Year Old Virgin? Knocked Up? Forgetting Sarah Marshall? The Ten? Walk Hard and now Year One with Jack Black? I think Paul Rudd is one of the funniest men on the planet.
I am now Joakiming like never before. (Ewwwwwww)
Coming home soon.
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