The pool felt fantastic and I realized how much I'm going to miss this pace of life under the sun, living fast and landing slowly, all to a steady beat. Getting as much done as one can creatively muster with no consequences, no pressure not a big deal if didn't meet quota and make the absolutely most of today. There is always tomorrow but more importantly, there is tonight.
Last night, I was standing in a narly lit driveway, head back downing my drink and I saw the most beautiful shooting star blaze its way across the night sky and I wished to never forget the wisdom of summer. Summer days always seem so long sometimes, just begging to be filled with all sorts of pursuits, thoughts, wishes, whatifs, whynots, what the fuck is stopping us? That motivation to do what you love and what needs to happen is the best stimulus in the world. And if it all falls to pieces, there's always tomorrow. Every morning I've got a new chance.
This ramble is just to say everything here is due for a good rearrange soon.
Nouvelle Vague- Too Drunk To Fuck
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