Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once.
-Albert Einstein-
There is not a natural sense of urgency here in Bowling Green, so I'm a bit out of place sometimes with my dashing around. Maybe it's just the small town comfortable feel to things here. Not pressed for time, no rush, doesn't take long to get here or there, folks waving from their front porch. The police here are at a loss too because nothing obviously felonious going on, which is why they make everything they call out a grand fucking spectacle. But whatever. There's a breeze when you're walking, but it's hot when propped up in the sun, like Southern California. It's easy going here, which is can be for better or for worst. I mean, it's gorgeous outside and I love taking my time, but behind every minute of every day anywhere is a pressing urgency. Not a big deal or anything, but there isn't a moment to lose during the day.
If things are too comfortable, time wastes away.
Some people become more aware of this phenomena in times of struggle or weak moments where the odds aren't stacked in favour. Time suddenly becomes of the essence when two papers are due and a test is coming up, or when you're lining up out of the shotgun on third & eight in the fourth quarter. Those seconds are always longer than others, while a weekend with friends flies by, which just proves its relative nature. Time was considered to be absolute and to flow equably for all observers until Einstein came along and suggested that "distances appear compressed and time intervals appear lengthened for events associated with objects in motion relative to an inertial (still) observer."
So what?
Time will seem like more, in a sense, for the person who keeps moving. By learning to live at peace with natural speed of life, the ebb and flow of the actions and interactions of everyday won't seem so drastic when the pressure's on and things get difficult. Everything won't seem so hasty and stressed in a way. Situations will get their deserving amount of attention paid and the big picture won't be lost amongst little pressing needs that are eventually unnecessary, like messed up food orders, dramatics, jealousy, lost sunglasses, forgetting books for class. All those things can be solved by taking a deep breath and widening the moment's lense a little bit.
This is something strange but it has been in mind recently, in thinking about future endeavors, opportunities, and pursuits. I question the legitimacy or purpose of being here in school, in class sitting, listening, and fidgeting. I feel like a more pro-active approach must be taken towards making things happen. School does enable one to go further towards achieving a certain set of goals in life like the ones I've drafted up, so I'm learning to trust the process and be cool with the pace of the moment, while not letting my mind wander toward the ridiculous What If's the imagination thinks up.
It's a whole lotta at once, but it is a good thing to do battle with every day.
Keep me on my toes.