Exams are a crush and the wind is bitter cold outside, even though it looks warm looking out the window. To sit still and study the one single thing on the desk in front of me goes completely against my human nature, which explains why studying equates out to be combat, real time combat like a titantic wrestling match between twin giants, with my soul at stake. Anyways, it's soul sucking to sit still and study for so long and when it's all over, I feel like I've just been gruelly interrogated. But what's worth that awful feeeeeeling is the incentive. It wouldn't even be bothered with if it wasn't worth it.
In the Wall Street Journal today, they ask this author of a new biography on Winston Churchill a few questions. I forget the guy's name, but he's an older british gentleman that is said to have written the smartest, concise biography of the man in only 196 pages, which says something. Apparently, this guy met Churchill when he was twelve or something and asked him, "What do you attribute to your success over the years?" Churchill looked at him and said "Economy of Effort. Never stand up when you can sit down and never sit down when you can sleep." To note as well, Churchill's father died at the age of 45, which lead Churchill to believe that since he too would die at a young age, he'd better get going on making his mark in the world. Three years later, he lead his regiment's polo team to three straight tournament victories while deployed in India. Four years later, while on a scouting expedition in South Africa during the Boer War, Churchill was captured by enemy troops and sent to a POW camp, only to later escape and travel through nearly 300 miles of enemy territory to safety.
I can't wait for Christmaspen. Also, my house someday will look like that there picture up above. You heard it here first.