Where is the life we have lost in living?

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Steve Aoki just remixed Kid Cudi's Pursuit of Happiness and it's a sound that can only come from a place we can't see. Somewhere on the most E soaked cloud of your imagination, you can't lose and it's lush. You just ran a kickoff back for a touchdown and it was nothing more than an obstacle course, coming at you in slow motion. Ease in high definition. Only you know it though. The Superdome is absolutely losing it, noise is deafening, and beach balls are dropping by the thousands from the ceiling to commence the end of the game and the beginning of a night that will take no prisoners, with a day at the beach come morning. There is no time for sleep. This song makes me want to go knock all these book shelves over because they're not moving or dancing. Nobody in here is doing anything besides studying, thinking and that would just fuck everyone else's studies up, plus the mousey looking girl probably named Dorothy shelving the fucking world behind me would do the right thing and pull the fire alarm, throwing us all outside to face the fucking elements. Nah, I'm happy rightcher feigning my studies to look up giant snakes in the Amazon but mostly mining energy off thoughts of better places in the world and this fucking triumphant astral space rave of a song.

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