Spring Break 2010:
Tumbled and Stoned
The sun didn't burn down, but a week at the beach was still a blessing. Having a day's worth of space to wobble round, as well as the occasional flash of sun from the clouds winding past was well worth the trip down. I read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and thought lots about Jules Verne. Science fiction had a different idea and meaning in late 19th century France than it does today. The house in Seagrove had blue shutters and was tucked away from the main road, with a little wilderness feel to it thanks to being surrounded by the swamp and sand of a few empty lots. Wasn't more than a minute from the beach either. Margaret was the middle aged woman with glasses that lived upstairs and drove a red jeep to the main drag by the beach every day, where she worked the limonade stand in the old Airstream. No more questions asked. I tried to stay busy since I hadn't done a whole much to deserve time off. Mango orange juice helped ease the day along. This song helped slow the rolling feel of being excited and focusing on at least finishing the page before going to hit tennis balls against the wall. I'm not the the biggest fan of the UK's two step, but this is West Coast dub that will make you wobble along under acres of shade.
Babylon System-Get On Up
As an appropriately slow bonus, the life's imaginative majesty slows on Mars.
David Bowie-Life on Mars?
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