Where is the life we have lost in living?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Avanza's Best of 2011

We are the music-makers,
and we are the dreamers of dreams,
wandering by lone sea-breakers,
and sitting by desolate streams;
world-losers and world-forsakers,
on whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
of the world for ever, it seems.
—Arthur O'Shaughnessy

Know when to give up and have a margarita

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Evil Shall Be Expelled With Evil

Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Movie of the Year. I'm already calling it. 
The book is an absolutely fantastic story and has has has to be read before 12.26.2011
I can already hear saying it, "Oh I can't read mehmehmeh..."there is no excuse this time around.
It is cold outside, Christmas Break starts next week and free time will be in abundance.
I know what you're thinking. And I'm saying to you, "Stop it."
Don't look at the length. It's not third grade grade anymore.
The book reads so fast and you'll not want to so anything else until you finish it.
The narrative grips you that much. You're hooked from the first page and then its free fall all the way til you get smacked in the face by the twist at the end.
I have not read a book of fiction this good in a long time & now its been made into a movie...
....directed by David Fincher, the genius mind who made Seven and Fight Club (!!!)
....and soundtracked by Trent Reznor, the king of Nine Inch Nails as well as the Social Network's creepy score, which won him both a Golden Globe and an Academy Award.
Oh my stars y'all, this movie's going be so diabolical.
I might have to wear a cape to opening night.
The song below was in the film's trailer and was just released this week on itunes.
Trent Reznor. Karen O))). Led Zeppelin
Holy smokes
Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross

Dr. Cherry's Best of 2011

"Bitches ain't shit"
-Snoop Dogg-
-TVOTR-Nine Types of Light-
            When your favorite band in the world not named Sigur Ros releases an album it’s not always a given that it will your favorite album of the year. There’s a weight of expectation that comes with that kind of love and when that same band loses a member to cancer things get even tougher, but TVOTR is not a band to disappoint. Exemplifying their amazing range between howling haunting dance songs that are just that little bit too weird for radio but perfect for top of your lungs singing and heartfelt love ballads that make other heartfelt love ballad cringe in fear that has always been their style, this album is a sonic smorgasbord, the infectious kind that wins listeners from every corners of life that you never though possible.

-Cold War Kids-Mine is Yours-
            Break up with your girlfriend and it will undoubtedly rain for the next several weeks. Thankfully headphones work well inside of hoods and thankfully Mine is Yours came floating down at the right time to be the soundtrack to mid-semester power walking. The trip to Nashville did these California boys nothing but good. They came out a bit more polished and perhaps less grungy than previous efforts, but the gloss of the music city studios did not diminish the soul of CWK’s grooves or the emotion of front man Nathan Willet’s vocals. On all fronts this album hits the heart as hard as trudging feet hit the pavement.

 -Bon Iver-Bon Iver-
            As much as we might all love it, the headphones can’t always push dance music or funk soul. Sometimes the mood calls for something with a little more sound, some quiet Minnesota backwoods sounds perhaps. Enter Bon Iver’s latest effort. This is the album you write books to, the one that gets tattooed on bodies, and that leaves the eerie echo in between your ears hours after you’ve tried to sleep. But it’s all in the best way, the most powerfully subdued way that makes you play Holocene 25 times in a matter of weeks because it’s just too damn beautiful.

-My Morning Jacket-Circuital-
            I mean what could be better than the power of southern rock from the soul of good ole Kentuck? MMJ is huge. There are literally no other words that can fit their scope of sound or on-stage persona. From the very first notes of the album you become fully aware that you are in for a roller coaster ride of fuzzy boot wearing, guitar shredding, rock star led musical fusion. Who else has the testicular fortitude to follow a song celebrating the poor decision making of youth with a loud ass ode to Norwegian black metal? Every track is a winner, every track is rock and roll, huge and loud and powerful—just the way we like it.

-Theophilous London-Timez Are Weird These Days-
            If you were to get eternally trapped in summer with only a beautiful girl, a basketball goal and a large body of water to swim in, this record would be your theme music. Paradise aside, this first record from the renaissance man of Brooklyn, Mr. London, is the dance record for people who make dance music. As much as I’d love to grab the mic and rap every word right along with this one, I’d much rather just grab the nearest pretty lady and groove the night away. The timez are indeed getting weird, but if this is what those timez sound like, count me in.

-The Strokes-Angles-
            Speaking of summer, what could be more summer than the kings of New York returned from their hiatus with more looping guitar riffs and lanky vocals to get the boat shoed toes tapping? Angles is just happy people music and if the breath of fresh air that is synth free guitar rock danceable music with some spunk doesn’t get you going then you may beyond saving. This record has been a long time coming but in the season of smiles and short shorts these boys are welcome anytime.

-Jay Z & Kanye West- Watch Da Throne
Jay Z and Kanye West. This really only needs that sentence and I’m straining myself to find any more words to describe what happened when the hype dust finally settled and the record actually surfaced to blow our collective standards out of the water. Now, if we were counting off for egos or lack of musical originality this one wouldn’t sniff a top ten list, but since we embrace that in our rap music these days the kings make it in with ease. Mr. West is a hell of a producer and the music on this is unreal, not to mention Mr. Carter sure knows his way around those rap lines. The game may be changed.

-Florence & the Machine- Ceremonials-
Good Lord, Florence Welsh has a set of pipes. Dark and brooding, backed by church choirs and massive sounding two hundred-piece orchestration, this record will make you hairs stand up. Partly because it’s filled with talk of ghosts and suicide by drowning but mostly the power comes in the sheer amount of sound for Florence. The sound is big, I’m talking Aretha singing at a down south church big, and damn can she belt it. This music will cover battle sequences and sweeping film shots of epic proportions for years to come. Plug it in for a midnight bike ride and I assure you your legs will be screaming for mercy in the morning.

-M83-Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming-
No one else sounds like this. Talk about cohesion in a record or bigness of sound, this one has both of those in ample supply. While there’s a rarity of words here compared to some of the other greats of the year, it makes up for it in sheer waves of sound. This is the kind of record that can morph itself to any activity. Whether you’re writing a long over due love letter or training for your fight club’s battle royal, you’ve got something that will keep you pumping. M83 is a motivator from beginning to end, especially because it’s hard not to take the journey top to bottom with this record.

 -Fleet Foxes-Helplessness Blues-
            It’d be hard to leave out the pure folk harmonies and cleanness of sound that we’ve come to expect from the fleetest of foxes. Helplessness Blues is on the beauty scale right next to Bon Iver when it’s time to slow things down and cleanse the sonic pallet with some soothing harmonies. The perfect compliment to this musical therapy is the wonder of song writing that has emerged on this newest collection. There’s stories to be followed here, movements within tracks and an ebb and flow that makes the experience of listening anything but a passive flowing over the eardrums.

-Portugal. The Man-In the Mountain In the Cloud-
 So American is right. Groovy and loud, folk meets soul & creates a sound which puts this record on constant repeat. Outside influences be damned, Portugal may take their name from outside the friendly confines of the red, white and blue but the music stays right at home. In the Mountain is nothing if not a good happy time spent listening to music. It doesn’t demand good dancing skills or a depressed state of mind. There’s no need for a lyrics sheet or urban dictionary and you most certainly don’t have to check pitchfork to see if you’re allowed to like this one. Just throw it in the cd player and put the car in drive, this record is for the open road and the wind that rushes in open windows; or at least those of us wishing we could find a little more time for putting those things together.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thunder Bear's Best of 2011

The secret for health is for both mind and body to not mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, 
but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

-Black Keys-
El Camino

-James Blake-
James Blake

-My Morning Jacket- 

-Theophilus London-
Lovers Holiday

-TV On The Radio-
Nine Types of Light

-Gil Scott Heron & Jamie xx-
We're New Here

-Chancellor Warhol-
The Silver Factory
(I see you SSS)

-Unknown Mortal Orchestra-

-Gillian Welch-
The Harrow & the Harvest



The very best of the year's sonic compositions, coming soon y'all.
Til then, I leave you with my favorite photo of the day.
2011, where'd you go?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Born To Kill

The offensive line, I just kept going at 'em. That's all I was doing yesterday, just bullyin' them, move 'em quick left or right and I guess they just got tired of me pushin' on them. And finally they were like, "Oh well."
-Nick Fairley, on playing Oregon in BCS championship.
Sometimes, but you know, I did all this work. I've got to hit them.
-Nick Fairley, when asked if he was worried about late hits.
He was like, "Let's get out of here, let's go back home. That's the kind of mindset it was looking like he had.
-Nick Fairley, on Oregon's QB Darron Thomas
The Deep South has 22% of the nation's total population and 43% of the NFL's defensive linemen.
-Sports Illustrated
One of the hardest times I've laughed in recent memory happened on my venture around West Africa a few years ago. This guy Eric and I were smoking a cigarette, watching the sunset from this front porch in Accra, Ghana. We're staying with this guy Eric's father knows and we're just shooting the breeze after dinner, loving being outside and looking forward to tomorrow. We get to talking about sports and Eric starts telling about his rugby playing days in high school at the Rift Valley Academy. He's a tall lanky dude, doesn't fit the rugby profile at all and a very pained looked crossed his face when he started recalling all the times he got demolished out there on the pitch. But then he started talking about how awful it was to get tangled up in the scrum was and how he once got probed in the worst way possible and the look on his face changed from one of pain to an expression of absolute devastation. That all happened years ago, yet he got so visibly distraught all of the sudden because the feeling of getting beastilized like so still conjured up some much grief and I thought it was hilarious. I remember dying laughing and telling him he should have played football and he sat there shaking his head and told me, "You're just worthless after something like that happens. Completely demoralized. You can't focus on anything else. You wanna know why folks play dirty? Because it works."
Ndamukong Suh is one of the best linemen in the NFL. As a rookie, he topped the league for sacks made by tackles in 2010 and scooped up accolades all over the place. He was the first Lion to get elected to the All Pro team as a rookie since Barry Sanders. He's 6'4, 307 lbs, has a vertical of 35 inches, and benched 225lbs 32 times in the combine. Because he's so fast, he falls somewhere between an end or tackle, which makes for a matchup nightmare. But all that right there still doesn't account for why Suh is one of the best in the league.

Suh is one of the best players in football because he is so fucking mean. 

He's a man amongst boys and he makes the simplest things look outrageously violent. Watch the video of his hit last year on Cutler and watch Cutler's body after Suh forearm swiped him into oblivion. He falls like a noodle. And we love football for that violence. How bout last year's title game? Think Oregon had seen the likes of anyone like Nick Fairley before? No sir. That game's a great example to show how its no longer good enough to just be big and fast. Those Oregon linemen were plenty big. I bet one or two were Polynesian and that's real big. They just weren't used to trying to block a guy who wants to kill. Nick Fairley and Ndamukong Suh both want to kill.

As a tackle, you are an agent of chaos. Your job is to kill the quarterback, to strike fear in his heart and rattle his world so badly that his priorities switch from the team-sized focus of leadership to the primal need of self-preservation. And you'll do anything to make that happen. When a guy tackled you and then smashes your head on the ground and whispers something absolutely foul in your ear as he digs his elbow in your ribs, you remember it. That's a rude experience and that'll stays in your mind for a while. And because such things works so well, lots of guys do it, which automatically puts the dude that follow all the rules all the time at an immediate disadvantage. So all of the sudden, everybody's breaking the rules just to merely be competitive. But the buck can't just stop there and inevitably, someone ups the ante a bit more so than everyone else competing, just to try to gain a comparative advantage and all of the sudden the sirens start flashing and the governing body overseeing everything swoops in and comes down hard on the offender, as if to say, "See, we do too play by the rules round here and you can't do that." Since the NFL's a quarterback's league, Suh's case will always be something around the lines of "How dare you rough someone up like that?"

This incident with Suh does have a few interesting parallels. When communism ended up in Russia, a whole ton of industries previously operated by the government were suddenly denationalized and put on the market. A group of well connected individuals seized this opportunity to scoop up a whole lot of long term assets for very cheap and pieced together a quite a few multi-billion dollar industries seemingly overnight. However, they did so in the fasted way possible, skirting over tons of corporate rules in the name of expediency and getting clean away with it thanks to acting in tandem with each other. This prompted quite a few fourth-grade sounding questions on ethics. If everyone's doing it, is it really a bad thing? As a result of this, the higher rungs of business in Russia are very corrupt. Everyone's guilty of the same things, so they all play by each other's rules. And if someone steps out of line to address the giant elephant in the room, they get hammered. In 2002, one of the wealthiest olgarch's in Russia, Mikhail Khodorkovsky began publically speaking out against Putin and Moscow's shady business culture in general. He was then promptly slapped with tax evasion charges, something everyone of his financial stature in Russia is undoubtably guilty of. His corporation Yukos Oil was nationalized with the major assets pawned off for dirt cheap and he was vanquished off to exile in the far reaches of Siberia. In Russia, you better agree to not play by the rules like everyone else or you're not going to play at all. And you sure as hell don't tell folks we just told you that. 

In a cartel, it is more profitable for each member to break the rules of the agreement than abide by them. The biggest incentive is to cheat because that's how to best get ahead. Think about the NCAA and Bruce Pearl's oustering from Knoxville last year. Do you think Bruce Pearl's the only coach out there guilty of a few recruiting violations? No way jose, his party ways just got the best of him and he slipped up. He didn't follow the Calipari school of thought here, where the severity of infractions positively correlate with the number of games won and first round draft picks. Winning trumps all and keeping quiet helps. Bruce has mastered the more important of the two but blantantly ignored the other and that's what got him in the end. Bruce Pearl is loud and mobsters aren't and the killing blow came when he brazenly went off and stated the obvious real loudly at his BBQ, where he poured in on for recruits and their families, laughing bout how they all really weren't allowed to be there, how it was against the rules and everything but hey no worries baby its all good here in Knoxville. Lying about it didn't help either but his fate was already sealed. The NCAA doesn't like to be done dirty like that and is always looking for a chance to prove to everyone else out there (and themselves) that they are in charge and the System is working just fine. Pearl stated the obvious and got it handed to him and the same thing just happened to Suh. 

Suh's the best in the league, a perfect example of how defensive success positively correlates to raw physicality plus a twinge of madness. Violence in football is the player's outlet of self-expression and the NFL's in the wrong for being so startled when the whistle's blown and the guys are still going at it. The media just makes it worse. Is it really all that shocking y'all? Suh got what he deserved and his appeal won't get heard. But even though he'll sit out, the league still can't do a darn thing about the fact that mayhem not only pays, but it isn't just some switch you can just turn off. Some games are rigged from the start, like this accounting exam coming up. I'm convinced its out to get me.
Tune in next time, Same bat time, same bat channel.