Where is the life we have lost in living?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


"According to biographer David Buckley, David Bowie, fuelled by an "astronomic" cocaine habit and subsisting on a diet of peppers and milk, spent much of 1975–76 "in a state of psychic terror". Stories—mostly from one interview, pieces of which found their way into Playboy and Rolling Stone—circulated of the singer living in a house full of ancient-Egyptian artefacts, burning black candles, seeing bodies fall past his window, having his semen stolen by witches, receiving secret messages from The Rolling Stones, and living in morbid fear of fellow Aleister Crowley aficionado Jimmy Page. Bowie would later say of L.A., "The fucking place should be wiped off the face of the earth".
Low has become my new favorite David Bowie album of recent days round here, mostly thanks to it being winter and the loom of classes starting back up again. It's a fantastic album to appease the doldrums lurking around without giving in completely to the dark side. The second half of the album is mostly instrumentals, which really give the mind room to wander and just as you're convinced its done taken off for good, the last song "Sound and Vision" kicks in with some sinister Nine Inch Nails-esque drums, only to be soon followed by a guitar line that sounds straight out of a Hawaiian tourism video. Bowie soon starts crooning about something great and strange and you're just like, "Absolutely." That's exactly what we're about here at the Feel Good Lost castle; paradox, baby. Happy late birthday David Bowie. You too, MLK. Yall did good

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