Ghana was a surprise and easily one of my favorite stops. It was the very first on the list of nine total countries and was the longest of our stays, a whole five days in one place. The whole country is rainforest and the coastline is said to be one of the best in West Africa. A series of old Dutch castles from the 1600's dot the coastline, which adds a romantic feel of old history to the view of white sand and palm trees. We only made it to the beach once though.
Ivory Coast came next and it was just all trash. There was so much trash all over the place. I honestly didn't think much of it and it definitely did not live up to its exotic sounding name.
My lowest moment of the trip was Christmas morning in Ougadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. We had just finished a monster three day trainride and pulled into town at around 4:00 AM. While the average marathon runner probably could crush the pace we set, the traveling circumstance wasn't nearly as bad as my own dilemmas. I was under the weather with a sinus infection and had just gotten my daypack stolen during my few winks of sleep. Fortunately, my passport or clothes weren't included but the Ipod, camera, journal, drumsticks and whatever else fancied my impulse were snatched up. There wasn't anything I could do about it, so I just kept blowing my nose and tried my best not to make it worst, mostly by writing a country song called "Somebody Owes Me A Christmas". You heard it here first.
The two day boat ride to Timbuktu was a deserved change of pace away from hustling across borders on buses, trains, and whatnot. We followed the Niger as it curled through the desert and seeing hippos backdropped by sprawls of sand dunes was a sight to behold. The Kings are right though, it is indeed cold in the desert. There wasn't a light in sight at night and the stars were gorgeous, it was just too cold to stay unsleepingbagged for very long.
Apparently, there is a nightclub in New York that only lets you in if you have a stamp from Timbuktu in your passport.
Trekking through the Dogon country topped all other places in my book. We spent three days struggling our way over, under, and around this huge mesa in the middle of the desert. Not much has changed in the life of the Dogon people maybe since the invention of the wheel and it was neat to glimpse a true picture of a traditional culture. The huge rocks and brownish red tint to everything made you feel like you were on Mars. I loved it.
After a two day, no lie, two day bus ride we finally made it to our last stop. Dakar is the capital of Senegal and was a great place to calm down and find the strength to eventually make it back home. The beach is nearby and the buildings are all pastel coloured and sandwashed, which is a great feel, plus the french influence is huge so all the cafes and streetside trees made for a real Parisesque, Charleston South Carolina aura. We didn't stay long, but it would have been nice. Either way, I'm glad to be home.
There is definitely something liberating about traveling well below your means, on the level shared by the folks around you. On one bus ride in Mali, I didn't have a seat. For 8 or so hours, I just stood or sat on the steps. To get a gasp of breeeze meant rolling the window down and exposing yourself to the goats on top, which had no reservations about peeing on everything below. Certainly no fun, but who was I to complain? The people nearby, breastfeeding, on stools drinking tea, they do this every week almost. There is definitely truth in the saying that once you're at the bottom, the only place to go is up. Even though I now fear buses, I might never complain about another long Getting There ever again. With that said, everyday is just another day closer to home. What I've discovered is that the beauty is in the process.
What cures malaria?
Beach Boys-Sloop John B
1 comment:
Dear Trent,
The bloggers of this microcosmic internet world are excited for your update. But you've been doing more important things, now, haven't you. I'm jealous of your adventures.
Hope you're feeling better. Have fun, dear.
P.S. I've found one person (only one) who is challenging you for almighty-music-guru, but hasn't beat you yet.
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